Hi, welcome to the place that helps you make informed career decisions in the Indian Market and psychoforces you to make your own way.

Who are we, formally?

GeoSim is the platform to discover, analyze and experiment with data about your career decisions. We provide hidden information maps and "tools" of growth customized for you. Analyze your talent index, geographical constraints and hidden marketforces acting inside Indian Economy.

What's our Plan?

We aim to live off the gains from the tools you use and to keep our servers afloat. Everything else is free to use. As we grow day by day, here are some things you can use in the coming times.

Try our first tool(demo in progress): Workspace Shell

Eventually, We want to be your software jets, you will use to travel information highways everyday.

How can you contribute?

We are a tiny systematic work in progress. You can help us & earn by building “required tools”, supporting us with data. See the Contributing doc.